Paulding Child
Advocacy Center

Paulding Child Advocacy Center provides services for children
who may have been the victim
of abuse.
The Center’s primary goals are to:
provide a safe and neutral setting to evaluate a child who may have been abused
encourage the collaboration of social and legal agencies for the benefit of the child
and, at all times lessen the trauma suffered by the child.
Child Advocacy Centers (CACs) can be found throughout the nation, even in several countries around the world! In Georgia, there are 49 CACs, many of which must serve multiple counties and agencies. Paulding County is fortunate to serve primarily the Paulding communities of Dallas, Hiram, as well as parts of Rockmart, Douglasville, Acworth, and Villa Rica.
CACs follow the Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) model of service. When it is thought that a child has been abused and a report of such made to appropriate agencies, a CAC is utilized for the child and family's convenience, comfort, and safety. Investigating agencies rely on trained interviewers to collect information from the child and family for the purpose of pursuing criminal charges where necessary and to ensure that the child receives the support necessary to recover from any trauma experienced. Through the MDT model, multiple agencies participate in the investigation as a team to ensure the best services are available for the child.